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Seeking Advice: How to Leverage eFrelance for Scaling Up

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Hi all,

As my business enters a growth phase, I'm looking to eFrelance to help scale operations. I've had great experiences with the platform so far, with freelancers consistently delivering quality work. This has allowed me to expand service offerings without the overheads of permanent hires.

I'm particularly excited about upcoming features that might help streamline project management and enhance collaboration with remote teams. However, I do have concerns about maintaining quality control as I increase the number of freelancers and projects. I wonder how others are managing these challenges?

Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated!


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Hi Erling,

Congratulations on your growth! I've found that using dedicated project managers (either freelance or part-time) helps maintain quality as you scale. Also, don't underestimate the power of detailed project briefs. Regarding updates, I am hopeful that eFrelance will introduce more sophisticated collaboration tools soon, which should be a boon for all of us managing larger teams.

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I'm in a similar boat. One thing that worked for me was automating as much of the admin work as possible, like invoicing and payments, which eFrelance handles well. For scaling, I'm looking forward to any tools that integrate directly with e-commerce systems. Quality control becomes manageable when you set clear expectations and use milestones to monitor progress closely.

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Scaling up is definitely exciting! I recommend investing in building relationships with a core group of freelancers on eFrelance. This has helped me ensure consistency and reliability as I expanded. For maintaining quality, regular reviews and feedback sessions are key. As for updates, more advanced reporting features would be great to see, helping us keep track of multiple projects more efficiently.
