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Cancellations & refunds

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Cancellations on Efrelance

Important: Cancellations should always be a last resort. They can negatively impact both the buyer experience and the seller’s time and potential income. Here’s an overview of the different types of cancellations:

Buyer-Requested Cancellations

  • Buyers can request to cancel if an order is very late (24 hours or more).
  • If work has already been done, sellers may not receive payment.
  • Learn more about meeting deadlines with our guide on Avoiding Late Deliveries.

Seller-Requested Cancellations

  • Aim to satisfy your buyers’ needs, but if things don’t work out, cancellation may be the best option.
  • If a seller requests a cancellation, it will be automatically approved if the buyer doesn't respond within 48 hours.
  • Use the order page to request more time or add extras, or use the Resolution Center to work out issues with the buyer before contacting Customer Support.

Mutual Cancellations

  • If issues arise after accepting a Gig, both buyers and sellers can request a cancellation through the Resolution Center.
  • The other party has 48 hours to accept or decline the request. If there’s no response, the order is automatically canceled.

Forced Cancellations

  • Before submitting requirements: Buyers can cancel an order immediately without seller approval if project requirements haven't been submitted yet.
  • Delivery is late: Buyers can cancel without seller approval 24 hours after the expected delivery date if there was no mutual agreement to extend it.
  • Cancel with an open dispute: Withdraw the dispute via the Orders page to cancel the order. You cannot open a new dispute while one is being resolved.

Note: If issues persist, contact Customer Support for assistance.

Canceling via the Resolution Center

  • We encourage resolving disputes within ongoing orders to avoid cancellations.
  • Access the Resolution Center:
    • Go to your Orders page
    • Select the order to resolve (click View)
    • Click Resolution Center on the right side of the page

Learn more with Resolution Center for Buyers or Resolution Center for Sellers.

Cancellations on Completed Orders

  • Once an order is completed, the Resolution Center cannot be used. Contact Customer Support to cancel the order.

Cancellations and Seller Levels

  • All cancellations are considered when evaluating a seller. Some cancellations are inevitable and have a lower impact on performance scores.
  • The Order Completion Rate (OCR) is no longer a standalone metric. Cancellations are one factor in the overall success score.

Tips to Decrease Cancellations

  • Clear Pricing and Requirements: Communicate clearly about project needs before the Gig order is purchased.
    • Buyers: Provide project requirements and scope in advance.
    • Sellers: Display accurate, original work on your Gig page and offer services you’re qualified to do.
  • Effective Communication: Ensure all necessary information is exchanged throughout the order process.
    • Buyers: Request order updates via the Resolution Center.
    • Sellers: Contact buyers for clarification if needed.
  • Modify Orders as Needed: Use the Order page to extend delivery dates or offer more extras/custom offers.
  • Set Reasonable Delivery Times: Don’t wait until the last minute to cancel. Communicate professionally and provide adequate warnings.
    • Sellers: Use the availability feature to inform buyers of your ability to complete the Gig.

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