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How Do You Balance Multiple Projects Effectively on Efrelance?

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Hi everyone,

Managing multiple projects simultaneously can be quite challenging. I often find myself juggling deadlines, client expectations, and ensuring quality across all tasks. What strategies or tools do you use to effectively balance multiple projects on Efrelance? Any tips for staying organized and avoiding burnout?

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Joined: 2 weeks ago

Time blocking works well for me. I dedicate specific hours of the day to different projects, ensuring that each gets focused attention. This helps in maintaining quality and meeting deadlines without burnout.

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I use a project management tool like Trello to keep track of all my tasks and deadlines. Creating separate boards for each project and setting due dates helps me stay organized and ensures nothing falls through the cracks.

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Prioritization is key. I start my day by listing out tasks in order of urgency and importance. This way, I focus on what needs immediate attention and avoid feeling overwhelmed by the overall workload.
