How I’d Learn Web Development (If I Could Start Over)

In my opinion, people try to bait you on the internet by getting you to think or do certain things that’ll “help” you bypass the process …

If I could rewind the clock and start my journey in web development all over again, my approach would be a lot more structured and resourceful. Here’s how I’d plot my path to mastering web development:

First, I’d establish a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are the core building blocks of web development, and understanding them thoroughly would set a solid grounding for more advanced topics. For this, I’d use meticulously structured online courses, potentially ones offered by platforms like eFrelance, which provides comprehensive modules and engaging hands-on projects to reinforce learning.

Next, I would dive into popular JavaScript frameworks such as React or Vue.js. Learning these would not only enhance my skill set but also make me more marketable. The ever-increasing demand for proficient front-end developers who excel in these frameworks is undeniable. Alongside this, I’d familiarize myself with AJAX and APIs to handle asynchronous data fetching for dynamic web applications.

For back-end development, I’d start with Node.js and Express.js due to their seamless integration and widespread usage. Eventually, I’d delve into databases like MongoDB and PostgreSQL for data management.

Community involvement cannot be overstated. I’d actively participate in web development forums, attend webinars, and network with peers through platforms like eFrelance. Engaging with a community of like-minded learners is invaluable for solving problems, gaining new perspectives, and accessing exclusive job opportunities.

By leveraging structured learning paths, engaging in real-world projects, and fostering a strong community network, I’d ensure a much smoother, enriching journey in web development.


  • @jodyholt8824

    July 16, 2024

    I've decently progressed in my coding journey by now but, however I believe this video was a great wake up call for anyone who thinks they can be a master at coding immediately. Its hard, if it was easy we'd see everyone with VS code and git on their computers with many projects under their belt. If you can't handle the challenge, don't start the journey. It's that simple. Thanks for the great video Dylan! definitely subscribing.

  • @KreepyKyleen

    July 16, 2024

    I'm just starting, I took a full time 4 month course and now I am an intern learning even more about html, Javascript, and css. I'm working on a music lesson website because I have degree in music and a second one in education. I live super secluded from the world so I can't have any in person meetups 🙁 Open to meeting people in my space 🙂

  • @chi94

    July 16, 2024

    Same advice I always hear though. Go out and build a project that your interested in

  • @rawarg

    July 16, 2024

    Yes yes and yes! Finally who speaks what actually he knows! I thank you as a fellow developer for not creating another BS content like others and staying true to both yourself and others!

  • @Fatimaspringtime

    July 16, 2024

    Hello Dylan, have you checked out the web development and js courses on Sololearn? Do u suggest them for a beginner? Instead of Udemy and other resources? Cuz i don't have the money.

  • @chelseathomas7965

    July 16, 2024

    Thank you!! This is exactly what i was hoping to find. And freakimg spot om advice about the degree thing, it definetly applies to some other things too, like photography. Really appreiate every bit of advice down to the personal projects and being self reliant and the reality that struggle and lots of time spent is inevitable. New follower here now 🙂

  • @hllymchll

    July 16, 2024

    as a web developer with over 8 years of experience who has been a stay at home mom for two years and hasnt worked my coding muscles in a while…. this guy is right. in every way. do what he says and you'll succeed

  • @renecotynotreraisanous5594

    July 16, 2024

    been given the same advices, learn how to learn. starting with a couple books, atomics habits and ultralearning. gonna make a plan on how to learn, and take your advices on how to start with the 2 courses and the project. Wish me luck !
    thanks for your content !!

  • @yourah3

    July 16, 2024

    Do you have to learn html and css first or can you just go straight to java? Springboards syllabus seems to jump right into java and MERN stack

  • @yashlife1812

    July 16, 2024

    Average mins .. valuable content

  • @Yirmyah

    July 16, 2024

    Learn to learn

  • @Yirmyah

    July 16, 2024

    Script Kitty life

  • @SoftwareXebra8

    July 16, 2024

    Thank you for sharing valuable knowledge still valid today. Thank you again.

  • @Mrmomm

    July 16, 2024

    The Odin project is also a GREAT road to take

  • @nailbouabdellah

    July 16, 2024

    thx mate , really appreciate u , I'll follow ur advice and implement it in real life

  • @Panzer489

    July 16, 2024

    How many hours is many hours a day when you began free code camp ?

  • @toastyjelly9089

    July 16, 2024

    Gonna build an inventory system for my D&D group to use and give my DM access to all inventories to change and add things, give items descriptions, and links.

  • @flameworkclerk

    July 16, 2024

    I just jumped into this. This is my first video. Let's goooo

  • @nafiulkarim4216

    July 16, 2024

    1. Start on Freecodecamp
    2. Take a JS course in Udemy
    3. Build a project (without framework)
    4. If you get stuck then just ask google

  • @naumanmasood1855

    July 16, 2024

    Im 11 and hv been doing code sice 3 yrs now

  • @daleparker8518

    July 16, 2024

    I'm 33, do you think it's possible to learn HTML/CSS/JS within a year doing 30hours a week learning? 0 background with coding, just want an honest answer.

  • @jatinroks

    July 16, 2024

    Where can I find a meet up in NYC?

  • @TheNotoriousJS

    July 16, 2024

    Good stuff.

  • @Samar-rq5ti

    July 16, 2024

    Heyy man, very helpful, I started learning html and css 2 weeks ago, and finished a 6 hour course on youtube. Now I'm gonna start java script. Great advice!


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