Your efrelance account

FAQs For Sellers

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Find all the answers you need for some of the frequently asked questions for Efrelance sellers.

Account Management

  1. Is my personal information safe? We care about your privacy. You can read our Privacy Policy here for more information on how we handle your personal information. The Privacy Policy is part of our Terms of Service.

  2. How do I change/reset my password? You can change or reset your password via your security settings.

    • Log in > click on your Profile picture > Settings > Security.

    • Learn more with Password, security question, and two-factor authentication.

  3. How do I close my account? We hate to see you go, but if you insist, you can learn more about the process with How to deactivate or permanently delete your account.

  4. What is “online status”? The online status is indicated by a small green circle next to the username, which lets you know that the user is currently logged in to Efrelance’s website or mobile application. The online user status is visible on various pages, such as the profile, conversations, and Job pages. You can filter the marketplace results according to users who are online.

    • Learn more about defining your online status with Account and profile settings.


  1. Does Efrelance contact its users? From time to time, we reach out to the Efrelance community.

Policy & Safety

  1. Will you ever ask for my password? Customer Support will never ask you for your password, but they may ask you for your security question’s answer in specific situations (e.g., to verify account ownership). This is always managed through an official Customer Support request.

    • Never give out your password.

    • We will never ask you by email, messages, or comments to provide your password or sign-in credentials.

    • We will never ask you to email us your password.

    • We will never prompt you to log into a site outside of the domain, nor to download and install an application.

    • Please never download or run such applications or email attachments, since Efrelance will never send these.

    • For additional help regarding policies and safety, please contact Customer Support specialists.

Payments and Withdrawals

Payment Methods

  • Debit Card

  • Credit Card

  • Bank Transfer

Withdrawal Methods

  • Only Bank Transfer

Note: USD Currency only is accepted on the platform

Receiving Revenues from Orders

Buyers pay Efrelance for orders in advance. Once the order is created and started, sellers must fulfill their orders as described in their job description and must deliver completed files and/or proof of work using the “Deliver Your Order” button (located on the order page).

Once work is delivered, the buyer has three days to respond and post a review. If no response is provided within the response time, the order will be considered completed.

After the order is marked as complete, you have to wait 7 days to withdraw your funds.

Note: A shorter holding period may apply for Level 1 Sellers, Level 2, or other eligible programs.

Purchasing Jobs with Revenue

You can purchase jobs with your cleared revenue if you have enough to complete the full purchase. If the job costs more than your cleared revenue, you cannot split the purchase between your revenue and one of Efrelance’s payment methods (e.g., debit card, credit card, bank transfer). However, you can purchase a $5 job with your revenue and, if needed, add job extras before the order becomes active with one of Efrelance’s payment providers.

Fees and Withdrawal Providers

Withdrawal Fees

Each payout method has its own specifications for withdrawing.

Multiple Withdrawal Providers 

Your Efrelance profile can be associated with only one account from each Efrelance withdrawal provider (payout method). For example, you can have a Bank Transfer account, but you cannot have two different bank transfer accounts linked to the same Efrelance profile. We accept single withdraw method for now.

Canceling Withdrawals

Withdrawals are final and can’t be undone. We won’t be able to refund or change this process once it has begun.

Fees for Bank Transfer Withdrawals

Currently, Efrelance does not charge a fee for withdrawals via bank transfer. Learn more with Payout Methods.

Claiming Unclaimed Withdrawals

If your withdrawal is marked as unclaimed, you must verify the bank details you provided. Once a withdrawal is initiated, it will not be reversed as stated in our Terms of Service.

Tax Obligations

It is the sole responsibility of sellers to verify their personal tax obligation, report, and pay taxes according to the laws of their state and/or country of residence, as applicable and required by local law and regulations.

Handling Orders

  1. How can I contact a buyer? Sellers can’t contact new buyers. To communicate with a buyer, an order needs to be placed which will create a “conversation” thread, allowing you to communicate with the buyer. You may also contact the buyer without an order being placed if the buyer contacts you first. If you previously completed an order for a buyer, you can access “My Contacts” to contact buyers. “My Contacts” enables you to keep in touch with Efrelance users you have interacted with in the past.

  2. What if my file upload or delivery upload fails? Uploading files can sometimes fail for various reasons. Check the following before asking for further assistance:

    • Make sure your flash is up to date on your computer.

    • Disable pop-up blockers for or allow uploads/downloads through your Firewall/Anti-Virus protector from

    • Make sure your image is a JPEG or PNG.

    • Clear your cookies for

  3. Can I partially cancel/refund an order? Yes. There is a partial refund option available so you can make the necessary payment adjustments to your existing order. Learn more with Partial refunds. Note: This feature is still in beta testing and is not yet available to all sellers.

  4. Can I accept a tip? You can accept a tip, but it’s advised not to ask for one. Do your best as a seller—ultimately, it’s up to the buyer whether to leave a tip or not.

    • Learn more with our Communication webinar.

Managing Jobs

  1. What are packages? Packages are a structure for selling services on Efrelance that allow you to combine your basic Job with built-in revisions and extras to create an offer that gives buyers exactly what they want. Packages make buying and selling on Efrelance easier in a few ways:

    • Freedom: Sellers can position their services exactly how they want, at a price they choose.

    • Efficiency: Buyers can order exactly what they need in just one click.

    • Clarity: Buyers and sellers are totally aligned on what’s included in the order from the start, so there’s no reason for lots of back-and-forth communication about what the Job includes.

  2. How do packages work? You can activate the triple packages mode from the pricing section on the Create a Job page by clicking the “3 packages” toggle. Once you’re in packages mode, you can set the elements (basic Job plus the upgrades and revisions) that you will include in that package.

    • Tip: When deciding what to put in your package, think about the most popular or most-requested extras from buyers—or the elements that you think are necessary to make your Job work best. Then, create the package you think will best meet your buyers’ needs and set the description, pricing, and delivery details.

    • Learn more about triple packages with Creating Triple Packages.

  3. How much should I charge for my package? You can price your packages anywhere starting from $5, up to the maximum price for that package. Note: Some Job categories and subcategories may have a higher minimum price.

    • Learn more with Standardized Job packages.

    • Tip: Another way to understand how packages are being priced is to click around your category and see how other sellers’ packages similar to yours are priced.

  4. What’s the difference between extras and upgrades? Upgrades are predefined factors that can be added to a selected package on checkout. Extras are unique upgrades that you can’t include in your package, and that you’d like to offer to your buyers.

  5. Does the service fee change? No, Efrelance’s standard service fee still applies.

  6. Will it change my ratings? Ratings will not be affected by packages.

  7. How should I label or name my packages? Keep it simple and descriptive—and try to think about what will catch a buyer’s eye. The name of each package should highlight what is distinctive about that particular package.

  8. What URLs can I use in my profile or Job description? The following URLs may be used in your Profile or Job Description:







Note: General websites (such as or websites that provide free tools (such as or are allowed.

If you use a URL that is not listed above, your Job may be removed from the marketplace. Repetitive violations may also result in an account being permanently suspended.


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