Efficient Order Management

What if my buyer doesn't like my delivery

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Delivering a Gig often brings a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, knowing that you’ve completed a task and are about to be compensated. However, sometimes the hand-off process doesn’t go as smoothly as anticipated, particularly when a buyer does not accept their delivery.

Regardless of the reason, there are occasions when a buyer’s expectations may not align with the delivered work, leading to requests for significant revisions. In such situations, there are several solutions available, including the Resolution Center, designed to help you resolve issues with the buyer before involving Customer Support.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to navigate this process:

1. Stay Calm

It’s normal for buyers to request revisions, even if you’ve put considerable effort into your delivery. Remember, a revision request doesn’t necessarily reflect negatively on your work’s quality. Stay composed, and focus on maintaining professionalism while communicating clearly with the buyer.

2. Understand the Feedback

Take time to carefully read and understand the buyer’s feedback and revision requests. If necessary, seek clarification from the buyer to ensure you grasp their expectations accurately.

3. Clarify Scope and Effort

If the requested revisions fall outside the original Gig scope, politely explain this to the buyer. Break down the effort required for the requested changes and suggest revisions that align with the scope while addressing the buyer’s needs.

4. Deliver Revised Work

If you’re capable of making the requested revisions and understand the buyer’s expectations, proceed with revising the work. Use the “REDELIVER NOW” option to submit the modified work via the order page.

5. No Pressure

While maintaining high ratings is important, avoid pressuring the buyer regarding ratings, especially when addressing dissatisfaction or confusion. Focus on resolving the issue in a professional manner.

6. Last Resort: Resolution Center

If issues persist and cannot be resolved through direct communication, consider using the Resolution Center as a last resort. Here, you can seek assistance in resolving disputes or issues with the order.

If necessary, canceling an order through the Resolution Center may be considered. However, note that certain cancelations may not impact your seller completion rate. Familiarize yourself with the implications of order cancelations through resources like “All about Order Completion.”

For additional guidance and tips on effective communication and order management, consider exploring resources such as Communication Webinars or helpful tips on avoiding cancellations.

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