Jobs on Efrelance

Job types

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Job types, similar to service types, help you classify your job within specific subcategories, allowing you to effectively showcase the type of service you offer. Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding and utilizing job types on Efrelance.

What are Job Types?

Job types are classifications within subcategories that help categorize your job based on the specific service you provide. They serve as subcategories within subcategories, enabling you to precisely define the nature of your service offering. By selecting the appropriate job type for your job, you ensure that potential buyers can easily discover your listing.

For example, within the WordPress subcategory, various services are offered, so job types have been identified to include:

  • Full Website Creation
  • Customization
  • Bug Fixes
  • Backup, Cloning & Migration
  • Security
  • Landing Page
  • WP Installation & Set up
  • Performance & SEO
  • Help & Consultation

How to Add a Job Type to Your Job

To add a job type to your existing job, follow these steps:

  1. Go to “Edit Job.”
  2. Select the appropriate job type from the dropdown menu in the pricing tab.

How Job Types Help in Search Results

Tagging your job with the relevant job type enhances its visibility in search results. Job types serve as metadata related to terms that buyers frequently search for. By choosing the right job type, you increase the likelihood of your job appearing in the search results of buyers seeking services like yours. This also unlocks package attributes that allow you to highlight what makes your job unique.

Why Some Categories Lack Job Types

Not all subcategories have job types available because not every subcategory encompasses multiple types of services. Job types are specifically relevant to subcategories where different types of services are offered within the same category.

By utilizing job types effectively, you can better position your job to attract relevant buyers, differentiate your services, and increase your chances of earning more on Efrelance.

For further assistance or guidance, feel free to reach out to our support team. Happy freelancing!

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